Save Energy While You Keep Your Cool This Summer

In the middle of summer, you may be feeling frustrated with regulating temperatures to keep you comfortable. Too hot. Too cold. You may find your thermostat getting a real workout and it is sure to show in your monthly energy bills. But our Philadelphia AC repair pros are here to offer some simple tips to allow you to be comfortable while still saving on those high electric bills this summer.

The Battle Between Outside and Inside Air

Your air conditioning is waging a constant battle with the outside air temperature. The larger the difference between the outdoor air and the desired inside air temperature, the harder it must work. And the harder your air conditioner works, the more you spend on energy. When considering the outdoor air temperature, you must make a decision what your temperature comfort level will be as close to possible as that outside temperature and set your thermostat accordingly.

So, what does that mean? If you are coming in from a hot outdoor temperature, you may immediately go for your thermostat and set it down to a temperature that is unreasonably cold. Your thinking is that it will cool your home down faster but it’s flawed thinking. Your air conditioning is limited in its capability to cool hot air down quickly and it is a matter of patience on your part. If it is hot outside, set your thermostat at your reasonably comfortable temperature. And wait.

Programmable and Smart Thermostats

If your thermostat is programmable, use this feature to ensure that your home cools down at a certain time of the day before you come home. In this way, you will not be cooling your home needlessly while no one is at home and coming home to a hot and uncomfortable house. New smart thermostats allow you to control temperature settings from your smartphone and change them in real time. This is a great advantage for a busy family that keeps inconsistent schedules.

Maintenance and Filter Replacement

Maintaining your system is key to keeping air moving efficiently and effectively. Make sure that any air filters are replaced regularly. A clogged and dirty air filter is by far the biggest reason that air conditioners struggle to circulate air and maintain proper temperatures during the summer and cause breakdowns to occur.

Add Some Fans

Ceiling or box fans offer added relief during the summer months. Although fans do nothing to regulate the temperature, the movement of circulated air makes the air feel cooler and less stagnant. In many cases, homeowners can keep their air conditioning set a few degrees higher just by incorporating a few fans in the home to move air around. And fans take far less energy than your air conditioning system.

If you find your air conditioning is still struggling to keep you cool this summer, call the Philadelphia air conditioning repair experts at Affordable Fixes LLC. There is no need to get hot under the collar with an experienced professional to the rescue.

How to Determine the Best Air Filter For Your HVAC System

You may not realize it but when it comes to your heating and cooling systems, the most important component is your simple air filter. The filter cleans incoming air before it is temperature controlled and distributed throughout the house. Because your filter is the first line of defense in protecting your Philadelphia HVAC system, filters should be changed once a month.

Two Important Functions

Your air filter has two important functions. One is to protect your system from dust or other particles that can cause wear and reduce efficiency. The second purpose is to keep any dust, allergens, pollutants, or even pet dander from being distributed inside your home. In this way, it not only helps your system condition the temperature of the air but also protects your interior air quality. There are filters that are designed to do one better than the other.

Air Filter Classifications

Air filters are classified by their type and their minimum efficiency reporting value, or MERV rating. The MERV rating specifically deals with the filter’s ability to remove particles and pollutants from the air. The higher the rating, the better it performs in keeping air quality at its best.

Disposable Filters

Disposable filters are the most inexpensive filters. They utilize fine fiberglass or polyester mesh to remove particles that are coming in from the air. These will typically have the lowest MERV rating of between 1 and 4 and are specifically designed to protect your system.

Reusable Filters

Although these types offer about the same MERV rating as disposable filters, there is a cost savings associated with these because they can be cleaned and reused. Like the disposable filters, these filters are designed to primarily protect your system.

Pleated Filters

Pleated filters use fiberglass, polyester or some other synthetic folded into pleats. This serves to increase the surface area of the filter in order to remove more particulates. The MERV rating on these is between 5 and 13. These provide a bit more air quality filtering capability than typical disposable filters.

Electrostatic Filters

Electrostatic filters utilize an electric charge in order to attract airborne particles as they pass through. With this added feature, they have a higher MERV rating at about 15. But electrostatic filters are not compatible with all HVAC systems.

HEPA Filters

HEPA filters are the most effective for air quality. With a MERV rating of between 17 and 20, these filters have been shown to remove over 99 percent of air contaminants. But these are typically too restrictive for normal home HVAC use. They are much more expensive and require a far greater amount of air pressure in order to force air through.

Which is the Best One for You?

For the typical homeowner, an air filter with a MERV rating of 8 to 10 should be sufficient for a home system. Although more high-efficiency filters remove larger quantities of airborne particles, the typical household HVAC system is not compatible and may be taxed when using these. The best way to determine which filter is best for your system is to check your owner’s manual or consult with a Philadelphia HVAC repair technician.

Is a Smart Thermostat a Smart Choice For You?

Smart technology is all the rage. And smart thermostats are one of the ways that smart technology has made its way into our homes. Could your family benefit from a smart thermostat? Let’s take a look.

What is a Smart Thermostat?

A thermostat allows you to adjust the temperature in your home. Many homes already have programmable thermostats that allow you to set your thermostat to allow that temperature to adjust for given times of the day or days of the week. Smart thermostats are now one of the leading smart home applications today and Philadelphia AC repair technicians are installing more of them than ever before. So, what can a smart thermostat offer that your basic programmable thermostat can’t?

What is the Difference?

Basically, a smart thermostat connects to your WiFi and can be controlled by your smartphone app. But not only can you control your home’s thermostat anywhere and at any time, but some smart thermostats learn your patterns and behaviors. It can also let you see your home’s energy consumption and can even adjust things like the humidity in your home. Some models even have Alexa service built into the unit. Having your thermostat order groceries takes the “smart” even one step further.

Real Time Information

Most smart thermostats enable you to see how long it will take to make the temperature change you’ve requested and allows you to understand how effective your system really is. It will also discourage those family members who may always adjust the thermostat excessively whenever they are feeling particularly hot or cold. The ease of controlling your temperature remotely is very convenient when on vacation and need to adjust the temperature for your return.

For the average consumer, smart thermostats can offer:

  • Energy savings
  • Peace of mind
  • Convenience

Energy Savings

Having a smart thermostat can save energy. Recent tests show that smart thermostats can realize a savings of about $50 annually or more.

Peace of Mind

With your ability to monitor the energy usage in your home, you will have an idea of what is going on at all times. This can be a great tool for parents and frequent travelers.


The ability to control your home’s temperature at any time from your smartphone enables you to come home to comfort no matter when that is.


Some thermostats are designed for the DIY enthusiast including all the necessary tools and access to installation videos, but research indicates that those who try to install a smart thermostat themselves usually end up calling a Philadelphia HVAC contractor.

If you are interested in having a smart thermostat installed, call the experts at Affordable Fixes LLC to ensure that it is done right. Old or new technology, we are the choice of most Philadelphia homeowners when it come to their HVAC.

Is Your House Leaking Air?

Summer is nearly here and that means long, hot, humid days in the Philadelphia area. And when you run your air conditioning system, you want to be sure that your cool air stays inside your home and the hot air stays outside. What you may not be aware of is the hundreds of little ways your home may be sabotaging that endeavor and wasting hard earned cash on energy leaks.

A Leaking Home is Losing Energy Dollars

Your heating and cooling costs account for more than 50 percent of your household energy costs. Don’t allow small areas of air intrusion and leakage to put a larger dent in your wallet than necessary. Check your home for areas that may be leaking air — and your money!

Small Cracks and Holes

Philadelphia HVAC contractors know that small cracks and holes can account for nearly 25 percent of energy loss. Before the dog days of summer are upon us, make sure your home is sealed and insulated. Your local HVAC technician can conduct an evaluation to help you detect areas that may be allowing your home to leak air. Or you can do a simple DIY check.

DIY Ways to Check for Leaks

Checking for leaks can be as simple as using an incense stick around openings. Seal your home by closing all doors and windows and close all the vents in your home. Make sure you turn on all exhaust fans in your kitchen and bathrooms. Pressurizing your home this way will help you detect air leaks easier.

Then pass a burning incense stick around all the openings in your home. Not only can air leak in from obvious places such as doors and windows but also outlets, skylights, and fireplaces. The smoke from the incense stick will show where you may have leakages.

Check Your Seals

When it comes to windows and doors, air can leak around improperly sealed areas, particularly if the windows or doors in your home are older. Usually, these are simple fixes with a little caulk. Check all weather stripping around your doors and make sure the doors fit securely and hinges are tight. If there are areas where you can see daylight around the doors or windows, make sure to seal these areas.

Insulate Your Attic

One of the ways that homes typically leak air is through the attic. One of the best ways to insulate your home is to make sure your attic is properly insulated. This will save you loads on energy bills, primarily in the winter when your heated air is leaking outside.

Call a Professional

When you are looking for a professional HVAC contractor in Philadelphia, call the experts at Affordable Fixes, LLC. For over 30 years, we have provided trustworthy and dependable heating, cooling, and plumbing services to our clients in the greater Philadelphia area. Call us today if you need air conditioning or heating services you can trust.

Should You Turn Off Your AC if You Are Going on Vacation?

If you are like most people, summertime means vacation time. But should you leave your air conditioning on while you’re gone, or should you shut it down to save on energy costs? The answer is: it depends.

Considering Some Factors

Managing your cooling system while you are away depends on a few different factors. Turning off your AC will save money in the short term but there are other things you should consider before you take that approach.

Turn Up the Thermostat, if Possible

Most Philadelphia air conditioning repair professionals recommend turning your thermostat up while you are gone instead of shutting it entirely off. If your vacation is a relatively short one, it’s far better to just set the thermostat up a few degrees. It’s true that cooling an empty house while you’re not home is wasteful. But it can put unnecessary strain on a system to cool it down completely when you return if it is only for a short duration.

Insulate Your Home

One thing you may consider is closing all curtains and blinds while you are gone. This will cut out the amount of sun and heat that will infiltrate your home while you’re away. You may want to check the forecast to see what the weather will be like while you’re gone. Mild weather may justify a higher setting inside the home. But a very hot forecast may mean you want to keep the inside temperature in your home a bit cooler.

Moisture Control

Remember that your air conditioning system helps remove moisture and humidity from your home. If your vacation will be a relatively lengthy one, you have a few more considerations.

If you turn off your air conditioning entirely, the humidity level in your house will build. If you have important belongings that don’t fare well in a humid environment, you should not turn your AC off entirely. Also, a hot home will make things such as your refrigerator work harder.

Your Home’s Efficiency

How energy efficient is your home? Homes that are well insulated are far more resistant to heat buildup. Window films, attic insulation, and thermal window coverings help to make your home more efficient and less likely to build up heat and humidity while you are away.

Smart Thermostats

Today, we have the availability of smart thermostats. In the case where you are gone for any extended period, you can make adjustments from your phone or electronic device. These will also enable you to cool your home before you return.

Call a Professional

If you are looking for expert air conditioning repair in Philadelphia, call the professionals at Affordable Fixes, LLC. For over three decades, we have been the ones to turn to for dependable heating, cooling and plumbing services in the Philadelphia area. Call us today for affordable and trustworthy air conditioning or heating services.

Don’t Sing Those Summertime Drain Clog Blues

Come summer, you are looking forward to more time outdoors. Maybe you’re even getting that grill ready for barbecue season. The last thing you’re thinking about is your drains. But take it from our Philadelphia plumbers, summer is the time when we get called out for more drain cleaning than any other time of the year.

Preventative Maintenance

Why? With the kids home from school, you may just see more strange things ending up stuck in your drains and flushed down your toilets. Or your husband has decided to shave off that winter beard and there it sits, right in your drain. We like our customers, but you certainly don’t want to be calling us every week for a drain cleaning. Here are some things you can do as preventative maintenance to cut down on those summer clogs.

Lock the Lids

No, Legos aren’t flushable. But tell that to your darlings. Speaking of flushing, lid locks are recommended for households with toddlers. Not only are toilets a potential drowning hazard according to the American Academy of Pediatrics, but it will save many things from going down the toilet that simply shouldn’t be there. Toys and whole rolls of toilet paper are clogs just waiting to happen. Lock the lids of toilets that can’t be closely monitored.

Watch What You Flush

With more people around during the summer, keep mindful of what may get flushed, especially with any water saving toilets. These are more clog-prone that the conventional toilets. But even your standard toilet can get clogged with things that aren’t meant to dissolve like paper towels, napkins, and wipes.

Baskets in the Drains

Hair is the number one clog we deal with and summer means more hair down the drain, not to mention mud, grass and other summer debris. Those little mesh baskets can catch a lot of potential clogging mess before it makes it down your drain.

Disposal Disasters

There’s nothing like fresh fruit and corn on the cob when it comes to summer eating. Burgers? Yum! But grease, fruit pits, and corn cobs can be your disposal’s worst nightmare. Be careful about what you tax your garbage disposal with and make sure to run plenty of water with each use to make sure everything is going down properly.

Don’t Use Those Chemicals

It’s just a little clog. And it looks so simple on TV, right? But those chemicals can do more harm than good. Not only can they be highly toxic, but over time, those chemicals can cause some pretty costly damage to your plumbing. Chemical drain cleaners can actually deteriorate your pipes. In most cases, your Philadelphia plumber can deal with a drain clog in a few minutes.

If you’re dealing with one of those nasty summertime clogs, call our team of professionals. Or better yet, call us for a drain cleaning as preventative care. When you call our skilled Philadelphia plumbers, you can be sure that it’s done right.

What You Should Look For in an HVAC Maintenance Service Contract

Here at Affordable Fixes LLC, we think preventative maintenance contracts are the smartest thing homeowners can do to make sure their HVAC system is inspected and cleaned regularly. But there are some things to look for when signing that service contract on the dotted line.

Your System Requires Maintenance

HVAC systems require routine maintenance. When this routine maintenance is performed, it can ensure that the system is operating properly at all times and can save money that would be spent on HVAC repairs in Philadelphia after the fact. A clean and inspected system requires much fewer repair calls and operates more efficiently saving money on utility bills. So, what should you know before signing a repair contract?

Know What You Are Paying For

Like anything else, you want to know exactly what you’re getting for your money. When you’re purchasing a service contract for an important household system, you want to understand exactly what your Philadelphia, PA HVAC system is being covered for. Service contracts can sometimes be tricky to interpret. Here are some things you should watch out for.

Red Flags

If you’re being handed a one-page contract with a lot of legalese in 6-point font, this should be a red flag. So, should a too-good-to-be-true price.

What You DO Want

Your service contract should be spelled out concisely and the terms and conditions specified in simple language.

  • What equipment is covered? Each item should be specified, especially if the service contract is covering more than one system.
  • There should be a list of all tasks that will be performed.
  • Your contract should set out how often your maintenance will be done.
  • Do you get a written report after each inspection?
  • What parts and labor are included? What items, specifically, are not included?
  • If repairs are made outside the contract agreement, how will you be charged?
  • If repairs are necessary, how will that work? Will they do the repair while they are there, or will another service call be necessary?
  • Will you get a written estimate to approve?
  • Will they remind you that your maintenance is due, or do you have to remember to schedule an appointment?
  • Does your contract automatically renew upon expiration?
  • What payment options do you have?

Call the Professionals

At Affordable Fixes LLC, we offer three levels of service contracts for you to choose from, each specifically designed for your needs. With each level, Philadelphia HVAC repair technicians conduct a full 14-point check to make sure your system is working at peak performance. We do this twice a year, once in the winter and once in the summer. With each package, we set out the terms and conditions and you will know exactly what to expect each time we come to do an inspection.

For over 30 years, Affordable Fixes LLC has been the Philadelphia HVAC contractors to trust. Let us service your system and add you to our family of satisfied customers.

Should I Replace My Air Conditioner or Fix It?

You’ve been putting it off, but with summer just a couple months away it has come back to haunt you. If your air conditioning was struggling at the end of last summer, you now need to make a decision. Is it worth the cost of a repair or should you just bite the bullet and replace it?

Pat Yourself on the Back

First, you should be commended. You are getting ahead of the game simply by being proactive. Whether you decide to repair or replace, once summer rolls around you will be waiting for an HVAC repair company in Philadelphia to schedule you right along with everyone else. Scheduling an air conditioning repair once summer hits can become an uncomfortable waiting game.

How to Decide

When you are trying to figure out if a repair makes sense, you want to consider some things about your system.


First, how old is it? There is a simple calculation that most Philadelphia AC repair technicians use when deciding if a repair is worth it. They will take the age of the system and multiply it by the anticipated cost of the repair. If this exceeds $5,000, you may want to consider a replacement.

Sometimes it makes no sense to put money into an older system. Your AC system has a functional lifespan of about 15 years. If you are repairing a system that is nearing the end of its life, you may be wasting your money. You may also want to consider your refrigerant here. Manufacturers stopped using Freon back in 2010 and Freon production will end in 2020. This may be your perfect excuse to get rid of an old system that will soon be obsolete and get a more environmentally friendly alternative.


An inefficient system can be a huge drain on your energy expenses once summer hits. Systems on the market today have far superior energy saving technology than old systems. According to, even if your current system is only ten years old, you could save between 20 to 40 percent on your cooling costs by replacing your current system with a new, more efficient one. That is no small savings.

Consider the amount of the repair against the potential cost savings of a new system and you may see that putting money into an old system that is draining your wallet in other areas doesn’t make sense.


If you have had a continuous issue with your old system not getting your home sufficiently cool even when it is operating properly, your AC may just be too small for your home. This is one of the most common problems we see. This is another energy drain because a small system will work nonstop trying to keep your home at a cooler temperature. This may be another waste of a repair cost. A new system that is appropriately sized for your home will make a remarkable difference in your comfort and your energy bills.

Call a Professional

If you need AC repair in Philadelphia and need an expert’s advice, call the professionals at Affordable Fixes. We can take the mystery out of air conditioning repairs before you get hot under the collar.

The Perfect Time for Furnace Maintenance is NOW

Before you tuck that furnace away for the summer, you may want to be proactive and schedule a maintenance inspection with a local furnace repair center in Philadelphia PA. We know you are looking forward to warm weather but come next winter, you’ll be glad you took the time to do a maintenance tune-up on your heating system. In fact, this is a perfect time to set up a recurring annual maintenance plan for your whole HVAC system.

You Maintain Your Car, Right?

So why is maintenance important? Most homeowners take a set-it-and-forget-it approach when it comes to their heating and cooling systems. But when you consider that these household systems work nearly nonstop to keep your family comfortable, they deserve at least the same kind of care you would give your car.

Here’s What You Get

When you call a Philadelphia HVAC contractor for a seasonal maintenance visit, what you get is a thorough cleaning and inspection of your system. This inspection can often detect problems before they even have a need for repair. With today’s advanced technologies, you may want to leave this to a professional instead of a DIY project. This can ensure that come next winter, your furnace will be running at its optimal performance.

What do you get with a furnace maintenance visit? We’re glad you asked!

  • The igniter will be checked to make sure it falls within the parameters that indicate the proper ignition. If not, it should be replaced
  • The flame sensor will be checked to make sure the readings are correct.
  • The burners will be cleaned. Some of the most common furnace problems are due to dirty, rusted, or misaligned burners. These can also cause a carbon monoxide issue inside your home.
  • The heat exchanger will be inspected for cracks, holes, and rust. We don’t just eyeball it but use advanced tools and inspection systems to make sure that there are no indications of any holes or cracks.
  • Any condensate lines will be blown out for debris removal. This is a common issue with some furnaces.
  • The system static pressure will be checked.
  • A combustion analysis will be done to measure CO levels.

Your Philadelphia PA furnace repair technician should also check any venting or drafting on the chimney, inspect any PVC piping, check any wiring or connections, check your thermostat, duct system, humidifier, and ductwork. As a homeowner, you should get a clean bill of health and written confirmation that the system is safe and clean.

Don’t Be Left Out in the Cold

Conducting a proactive cleaning and inspection on your furnace at the end of the winter season means you won’t be left out in the cold next winter when you go to turn it on.

Call your professional Philadelphia HVAC contractors at Affordable Fixes for your end of winter furnace inspection and you will be smiling next season when you know your furnace is working at its peak performance.

Signs That Your Water Heater May Be Failing

There is nothing more inconvenient than having your water heater malfunction. Few mechanical devices are as crucial to your daily life as the hot water heater. Before it suffers a breakdown in the middle of a busy day, knowing the signs to look for may mean you need a water heater repair. (more…)

Schedule Your Air Conditioning Tune-Up Before Summer is Here

Summer is right around the corner. Don’t get caught with a malfunctioning air conditioning system. When the temperature climbs, you don’t want to be caught waiting for service during the busiest time for Philadelphia HVAC repair companies. With a preemptive air conditioning tune-up, you will be ready for summer. (more…)