Water Heater Repair Services in Bucks County PA If you have a hot water heater, chances are it is one of your home’s most important appliances. Whether you need it to take a shower, wash your laundry or do dishes, you can’t afford to have it break down or not provide enough hot water. The […]

Water Heater Repair Services in Bucks County PA

If you have a hot water heater, chances are it is one of your home’s most important appliances. Whether you need it to take a shower, wash your laundry or do dishes, you can’t afford to have it break down or not provide enough hot water.

The good news is that water heaters can be long-lasting if you take care of them. In fact, regular water heater maintenance in Bucks County PA can make your heater last as much as eight years longer.

Keep Your Water Heater Running With Fewest Repairs

In most cases, the earliest signs of trouble with your water heater are easy to spot when it’s professionally maintained. This means that the plumber can pinpoint problem areas in your tank and avoid the need for costly repairs down the road.

Drain Your Water Heater And Flush It – Every six to 12 months, drain your tank to flush out sediments that settle at the bottom. This will reduce the amount of energy your water heater uses and help it last longer.

Check Your Anode Rod And Temperature Release Valve – Gas and electric water heaters have an anode rod that attracts sediment to prevent corrosion inside your tank. It should be checked annually to make sure it’s not corroded or broken.

Replace It With New Parts – If your anode rod is worn out, you might need to replace it. This will keep the tank from becoming rusty and will protect it from being damaged by chemicals that can get into your water supply.

Install A Water Filter – You can use a filter on your water heater to help keep it clean and free of bacteria. This can also help prevent sediment from settling at the bottom of your tank, which could cause the anode rod to break down and need replacement.

Ensure Your Water Heater is Safe and Working Well – A professional water heater technician in Bucks County PA can test your unit for safety devices such as the pressure valve, pilot light and temperature control valve. Then they can make any necessary adjustments to ensure that your unit is working safely and efficiently.

Preventing Major Plumbing Issues – It’s common for piping to collapse or leak from time to time, but these problems can be more serious and require extensive repairs if not addressed promptly. During the annual inspection, a plumber will check to see that your pipes are in good shape.

Then, he will also look for any leaks and other signs that your piping is in need of attention. This can include cracked or leaking pipes and broken or collapsed fixtures, faucets, drains and other components of your home’s plumbing system.

A professional plumber in Bucks County PA can also recommend the best plumbing supplies for your home, such as a water softener or filter. They can also help you install a whole-house filtration system to eliminate harmful contaminants and improve the quality of your water.

In addition to a professional cleaning and flushing, you can also schedule a water heater repair appointment with your plumber at the first sign of trouble. A professional plumber will know exactly what steps to take and which tools to use for the job, so you can rest assured your heater is in the best of hands.

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