How Do You Know It’s Time to Repair Or Replace Your Residential Air Conditioning Unit?

Residential Air Conditioning Unit Repair in Philadelphia PA

Your residential air conditioning unit is one of the most important investments you make in your home. Whether you live in an apartment or own your home, you want it to last for as long as possible. Unfortunately, there comes a point when it’s time to either repair or replace your HVAC unit.

How Do You Know It’s Time to Repair or Replace Your Residential Air Conditioning Unit?

There are a number of different signs that it’s time to call a professional and have your residential HVAC system repair in Philadelphia PA or replaced. The key is to be able to recognize these symptoms and to make the right decision.

You Are Finding It Hard to Cool Your House: When your residential air conditioning unit doesn’t work as it should, you’re probably going to have a tough time keeping your home cool in the summertime and warm in the wintertime. This can happen because of any number of things, including a broken compressor or low refrigerant levels.

Your Unit is Making Loud Noises: Another common sign that it’s time to replace your air conditioner is loud noises. If you’re hearing a lot of screeching and whirring noises from your unit, it may be a sign that something is wrong. Luckily, this is usually a fairly simple repair that can be handled by a professional AC contractor in Philadelphia PA.

Your Energy Bills Are Higher Than They Used to Be: As your residential air conditioning system ages, it will become less efficient and cost you more to operate. This is a good time to consider replacing it with a new, high-efficiency system that can help you save on your monthly energy costs.

Your Air Flow Isn’t That Great: A common sign that it’s time to replace a residential air conditioning unit in Philadelphia PA is when the air in your home doesn’t feel as cool as it should. This could be because of a number of things, including a broken compressor, damaged or blocked vents and low Freon levels.

Your Ductwork Isn’t Up to the Job: When your ductwork isn’t up to the job, it can cause problems for your AC unit and lead to higher energy bills. This is especially true if your ductwork hasn’t been properly sized for your home or if it’s been enlarged during a remodel.

Your Repairs Are Expensive: If your repairs are very expensive, it’s a sign that you need to replace your residential air conditioning unit. This is especially true if you’re paying more than half the price that a new unit would be.

Your HVAC Is Having Problems: When you have an air conditioning unit that is having trouble, it’s a good idea to call a insured AC technician in Philadelphia PA as soon as possible. This can help prevent expensive repairs down the road and can save you money in the long run.

You Are Facing a Large Bill: As your HVAC system gets older, it will start to become more expensive to operate and you’ll have a tough time keeping it in top shape. This is especially true if you don’t have your system regularly serviced.