Winter Time Pipe Cracks? Get an Immediate Quote From Affordable Fixes Heating Cooling Plumbing

Pipe Repair in Philadelphia PA

Winter time is one of the hardest times on plumbing systems. A sudden change in temperature can cause a multitude of problems, from clogs to burst pipes. Burst pipes can lead to water damage in your home, and can even require a whole new plumbing system in some cases. There are several things that you can do to minimize the risk of a burst pipe.

Before you call a local trained plumber in Philadelphia PA, try to pinpoint the location of the burst pipe. This will help your plumber find the problem much faster. You can do this by looking for icy residues or water that has pooled. You may also be able to see a small bulge in the wall or floor where the pipe is located.

Once you have identified the location of the burst pipe, turn off your water supply using the shut off valve located near your home’s water meter. This will prevent more water from leaking while you wait for a plumber to arrive. You can also try to thaw the frozen pipe by applying heat. Wrapping an electronic heating pad around the frozen area or utilizing a hair dryer to warm the area will help. Do not use an open flame to apply heat as this could create a dangerous situation.

If your home has a lot of exposed pipes or is older, you should drain them before winter hits. Draining the pipes will help to remove any water that could freeze in case of a cold snap. It is also a good idea to insulate the pipes that are at risk of freezing.

Pipe Replacement Service in Philadelphia PA

In addition to cold temperatures, a number of other factors can contribute to the risk of pipes bursting. For example, rust and corrosion can weaken the metal that the pipes are made of making them more susceptible to breaking. Also, significant soil movement can damage the pipes and cause them to break or crack. Finally, tree roots can invade the pipes and lead to cracks or leaks.

A burst pipe is a serious problem that requires immediate attention. Not only is it dangerous to your health, but it can also lead to extensive water damage in your home. To avoid this, it is important to have your pipes properly insulated and to monitor them regularly. A trusted and reliable plumbing service in Philadelphia PA can offer a variety of services for your home, including installing plumbing pipes. They can also perform regular maintenance to help prevent pipes from bursting. For more information about how Affordable Fixes can help with your plumbing needs, contact us today. We are always happy to answer any questions that you might have!