Install a New High-Efficiency Furnace in Your Home and Enjoy This Winter!

Furnace Installation Service in Montgomery County PA

Furnaces use gas or electricity to heat air, then carry that heated air through ducts throughout the home. This process takes a great deal of energy to complete, and high efficiency units use far less than lower rated models.

Currently, all furnaces sold in the United States must score a minimum of 80% on an annual fuel utilization efficiency rating or AFUE. However, higher rated furnaces are available, and these high efficiency furnaces are far more efficient than the 80% models. The best furnaces achieve ratings of 95% or more for even better cost effectiveness.

Furnace Repair Service in Montgomery County PA

The fact is, a high-efficiency furnace uses significantly less energy to heat your home than its lower-rated counterparts. It also produces significantly fewer emissions, and this has a positive impact on the environment. This is an especially important benefit to consider if your household is concerned with climate change or you want to reduce your carbon footprint.

High-efficiency furnaces are more expensive than their lower-rated counterparts, but they typically pay for themselves in reduced energy costs over time. This is particularly true if your family uses the furnace extensively during the winter.

Certified Furnace Installer Technicians in Montgomery County PA

Another factor that contributes to the higher upfront cost of a high-efficiency furnace is the fact that these units tend to require more extensive ductwork and venting to function correctly. This may add to the installation cost, as will any needed inspections or permits that your home’s location and zoning laws may require.

If you are considering a high-efficiency furnace for your home, it is a good idea to have a professional furnace installer in Montgomery County PA to assess the size of your home and determine what kind of unit would be most appropriate. A furnace that is sized too small will run constantly and cause your utility bills to skyrocket, while one that is too large will short cycle frequently, using more fuel in the process.

A programmable thermostat is the key to maximizing the effectiveness of your new furnace. It will help you keep your home warm when it’s occupied, while remaining cool enough to save money and energy when no one is in the house. You should also change the filter in your programmable thermostat on a regular basis to prevent it from becoming clogged, which can lead to decreased efficiency. These steps, along with proper maintenance and annual tune-ups, can greatly improve your new high-efficiency furnace’s efficiency.